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Shedding 101 for the "non~furry"

Posted originally via Facebook @dietzshopcat and twitter @ceoshpcat June 10, 2017

Hey Facebook, where the heck is the darn pet event category?

Anyway, Meowy Saturday all,

Coming Friday June 30, 4-5pm my event is

Shedding 101 for the non-furry.

Attention non-furry people with furry friends, (or those just curious). This event is a not to be missed. I, CEO Shop Cat, will demonstrate fur shedding and you will observe and learn. This is highly technical and not recommended for little kid people.

Please be prepared and bring your pet combs and brushes to participate. (forgot to say bring treats for me too) people refreshments will NOT be provided. Almost forgot, be ready to make big $$$ purchases from the Dietz Wood Design Team. Yep, I've got to hustle their stuff, you know how it is. That's how I make my cat food money, benefits, and bonuses.

ok and finally, any of you peeps who need transportation, (like Mike C) call my worker people at Dietz Wood Design Company, and I'll send the Dietz limo. (honestly, I think it's that Honda that Colby and Tanner are trying to keep alive) Good Luck with that!

Space is limited, drop everything you are doing right now, and sign up! xoxoxoxo Dietz Ceo Shop Cat

PS don't worry, the Mousing 101 Event is rescheduled and coming in July!

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